wuuuu~~~ da byk kali wadieq tag aku, tp xpenah reply. hahahaha LoL. bukan xsudi, cume... MALAS!! :P
k k, dis time I'll reply dis tagging game, k. memandangkn busan amat duk kt umah. heee~
#1 describe 10 things about the person who tag u (wadieq)
1. 1st impression towards him; 'eyh2... kecitnye la hai dak ni. cute!' :P
2. nice fren to b with. wadieq slalu sgt2 tolong aku.. huuu~ *terharu*
3. planning dgn wadieq nk mintak intern kt tempat yg same... PFK
4. taiko K5! weyh, siyes rindu beb kat k5. xde alternative ke nk acces from outside?
5. he's d one dat i'll find 1st if there is any problem regarding my lappy.. tq!
6. ske merempit dgn kelise silver! vrooommm~
7. da anggap die cm adik sniri!! heee~
8. umah die xde lah jauh mane dr umah aku.. tp, dulu je mase intern slalu g. skan ni da jarang.huuu~ wadieq!! rindu mak ang.. hee~ kim slm noo... ^^
9. he also has a cute gf!! xpernah jupe laei.. :(
10. hurm.. d last thing bout dis guy is, lame giler xjupe. even tho die keje penang!! grr~~ bukan nk mai umah aku die neh!!! grrr~ :P
k.. da setel 10 things about u.. puas ati?? :P
#2 describe 10 things about you
1. Female
2. Single, yet not available
3. Ex-utp
4. 23 tahun
5. Orang Penang
6. Tadak kerja lagi.. wuuu~~ duk tanam anggur neh -_-'
7. got alots of dreams!!
8. Hobi ; shopping!!
9. Panggilan diri ; uena, teru
10. Alwiz thinks bout others first rather than herself...
#3 at the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. Kak sue
2. Faei
3. kelise (aku tau ko bz. takesah r.. nk ko reply gak! kejam kan? wahaha :P)
4. aalim
5. chaah
6. bali
7. oya
8. lula
9. apis; esyad
10. wadieq.. (haaa kne reply gak. w'pun hg da buat! )
name naik?
hurm(carik idea nk tulis ape)
1. first impression je cute ? hehe
2. Thanks una.. una pun slalu tolong aku gak
3. hahah.. gi cakap thanks kat wan botoi
4. hurm.. rindu k5 gak .. tapi dah nak sambung master.. jom sambung..
5. ala.. ari tu cari munir
6. nak merempit dgn moto.. tapi mak marah
7. wah.. aku ada kakak :D
8. Mai la bila2.. mak aku suka masak.. nnt dia leh masak utk hang
9. mana tau my gf cute ?
10. hahaha.. meh la jalan2 pulau :D
"k.. da setel 10 things about u.. puas ati?? :P"
Bunyi cam marah je una
bali: sile2 cari.. haha :P
wadieq: 5. aritu cari munir sbb wadieq bz. takut nk kaco~~ hehe :P
10. jln2 pulau?? duit tadak.. kalo x, da lama daaa~ hehe
mara?? ne de~~ ne de~~~ heeeee~~ aku mana penah mara org :P
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