Friday, February 29, 2008


do you noe wut is the meaning of sequestration??[berbelit lidah aku nk nyebut nyer!!]
''wut is the 1st thing pop up in ur mind when i introduced this topic before?" [aceyhh..ayat presentation PCS tuuu ;P] taley blah tol! kui3...
sequester --> to cacth and store.
sequestration --> the process of catching and storing.
ape yg aku store? ape yg aku catch??

"Carbon Dioxide Geologic Sequestration by Mineral Carbonization"
mak aihhh.. panjang nye tajuk!! hmm, for ur information.. nie la aku nye FYP's topic. bace sekali mmg tapaham. bile pas googling~~ hmm..senang je tajuk nih...[hamboih2~~ senang ke kakk??:P]
Problem statement --> higher CO2 emission from major sources [eg: power plant, fossil fuels..etc].
Background of study --> study the higher rate of reaction between CO2 with mineral carbonization under different pressure. so, that can identify which condition is the best for higher reaction rate. thus, by producing higher reaction rate the evaporation of CO2 gases could be minimize and more CO2 can be caught. hik3~
Conclusion --> tunggu r!!!

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