wah~ inilah penyakit aku. kalo skali da update tu, nk update je manjang. bile skali da malas nk update tu.. mmg malas ah! ngeee~~ gommnenne.. :P pasni i'll try to find some anti-biotic to prevent this disease, ek.. jk! hihi
ha~ jz wanna share some stories pasal several frens of mine. some of d stories are rilly... sweet!! and some juz a lil bit bitter or perhaps, they are too much emotions? lol
::cerita 1::i jz noe him for a few months, and die sgtlah best untuk dibuat kwn and *ehem* bf! lol..no, no.. kidding :P tau, nape aku ckp die best kalo dibuat bf?? die neh amatlah sweeeeeet!! y i said so?? haa.. he has a LDR (long distance relationship) with the gf. for about 3 yrs pluss LDR within d country. but suddenly the gf got an offered to further study d oversea. and... from this point lah start miscom and all of d stupid stuffs.. and suddenly the gf asked for a break up b'coz the gf tought dat there's no understanding between both of them. but this sweet man doesn't giv up. he's alwiz pujuk the girl. smpai lah one fine day he decided to go to d country where the gf study and his purpose jz to make up with the gf. sgt2 sweet kan?? igt murah ke nk ke oversea? kalo die from family yg kaye raye xpe, la kan.. but he's jz a normal ordinary guy. and die sanggup keluarkan saving die beribu-ribu, semata-mata nk pujuk the gf. wut an effort!! kalo the gf xterharu lagi and tak percaye lg dgn ketulusan hati dis guy.. xtau lah kan.. nk ckp ape. after all, he's rilly a good man. i wish u all d best, dude.. :)
p/s: rite now he's trying his best to complete d mission.. ^^
::cerita 2::okeh.. langit xselalu nye cerah kan? pasti mendung kelabu kan di bawa awan. same goes with d guy. xsume lelaki baek or boleh diharap. err... ade kaitan ke ngan perumpamaan kt atas tu? haha.. lantaklah. :P btw, aku agak menyampah dgn sesetengah lelaki (baca: tidak semua). nape aku nyampah? ok. cmni cite die. korg rase menyampah x bile dgr lelaki (baca: mmber lelaki korg) yg da ade gf tbe-tbe ckp kt korg; "if gf i xde, u la pilihan i" or "u noe wut.. u r my 1st choice" wudde..~ apsal perlu ckp cmtu?? perlu ke?? so ape gune gf korg tu? perlu ke perempuan di rank sebegitu rupe? nk suke/bercinta perlu ke disusun atur atau di ambil nombor giliran? perlu ke? kalo da namenye kawan, kawan je la.. tayah nk rank 1st, 2nd or 3rd choices after ur beloved gf. xkn la kalo korg nk bercinta dan berkasih syg tu ade degree of love lak? kalo da btol2 syg.. cinta... kasih.. bercinta lah!! tayah pastu nk ske2 ati ckp kt org itu dan org ini ko nombor satu, ko nombor 2.. dan seterusnya. bukannye nk tunggu giliran kt toilet ke.. kt bank ke.. post office ke, kn. pelik... haish! tapaham aku. siyes tapaham.. adeh2. ni yg emo ni. lol :P
::cerita 3::sweet talker!! ini lg satu yg nyampah.. ckp je sweet smpaikan ley buat org cair macam makeup yang mencair di bawah panas terik! (lol.. bapak taley blah perumpamaan ni. xsedap langsung!!). padahal...juz main2 n xmaksudkan pon ape yg dorg ckp tu. bajet cm nk test market je. so, kepada perempuan2 di luar sane.. dun easily fall in love dgn lelaki-lelaki yg menanam tebu di pinggir bibir. dorg ni umpama tin kosong kadg2 tu. bising je lebih. padahal nothing!! aik.. cm anti-lelaki lak aku. hahahaha~ :P tp siyes, perempuan-perempuan patut dgr lagu "hey ladies"; rossa. baru t'bukak sket mata. lol.. (tbe2 nk promote lagu rossa kan.. :P)
aa~~dah2. tanak mengarut da. kang ade org ckp aku anti-lelaki lak... lol :D ne de. cume jz mengekspresikan ketidakpuasan ati je. kadang2 kene gak b'suara. kalo diam je.. kene pijak2 kang. macam-macam perangai lelaki ni. aku tak kata perempuan ni sume baek. ade je yg buruk.. tapi, disebabkan entry kali ni pasal 'ouh, lelaki' (tajuk taley blah kn?? tbe-tbe t'igt kegedikann nana n fara fauzana.. lol) dats y, ckp pasal lelaki je. so, sesape yg nk wat pasal 'ouh, perempuan' ke, 'ouh, ladies' ke... 'ouh, bi**h' ke.. di persilakan.. haha~ :P
lately neh cm ske gile tgok cite korea. tp jdo tetap di hati.. hihi ^^ so, enjoy d pictures of lelaki-lelaki pujaan hatiku~~ ngeee..!! :P
Lee Dong Gun
Lee Dong Wok
Lee Jun Ki ::love::
Lee Jun Ki
Chang Min-DBSK
Bi Rain
Dae Sung
Yutaka Takenouchi ::with love:: p/s: i love him damn much.. tru dat jdo- with love i got my mirc's nickname. teruterubozu. wah.. lame xmen mirc.. ~