Rosa... or some other people call it rose and yeah, it's my favorite flower instead of sunflower (hehe.. i do love sunflower, but i love roses more!!:P). red roses to be specified. b'coz d meaning of red roses symbolize sincere love, respect, courage and passion. too typical, huh?? who's cares~~ haha.. :P I'd found one interesting poem by Robert Burns- "A red red rose". it's a really.. really.. romantic poem!! let's enjoy~~~ ^^
so, how was it?? p/s: waiting for sum1 to give me a single red love!!! :P (wahh.. t'igt kat my ex-hosm8 and ex coursm8! we called both of them, ros!!^^)
yang paling menarik tentang rose adelah warnanya
dat poem?
xmenarik ke?? sweet la beb!!
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